The United Kingdom is an Island country, and It comprises England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. entry has a hill, lowland, upland, highland, and mountain regions.
Area: | 93,630 sq mi / 242,500 sq km |
Population (2023 est ): | 2023 est :- 67,879,000 |
Capital: | London |
Currency: | Pound Sterling |
Languages: | English, Welsh, Scottish Gaelic |
Airports: | Heathrow Airport, Gatwick Airport, London Stansted Airport, London Luton Airport, Manchester Airport, Glasgow Airport, Cardiff Airport |
Main Cities: | Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Belfast, Londonderry, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Swansea, Cardiff |
Best Time to visit: | March to June (spring) and September to November (autumn) |
International calling code: | +44 |
sources: | Read more.... |
Maritime, moist and temperate
Chicken Tikka Masala, Haggis, Welsh Cawl, Irish Stew, Shepherd's Pie, Beef Wellington, Eton Mess